Lean on Thee

Let’s face it—we all need a little help from our friends from time to time. When making a lifestyle change or starting something new like pursuing a dream, it’s important to turn to your loved ones for help. Support can come in many different forms: from family and friends, clubs and groups and even online, in the form of virtual support groups or internet chat rooms.
Remember when you were a kid and you would pair up with a buddy for a class project or field trip? Working with a partner to brainstorm ideas or strategize goals can make the process more fun and generate more energy to keep you motivated in the pursuit of your dream.
It’s important to hold yourself accountable to someone, whether that person is a friend or new acquaintance. If your dream is to write a screenplay, find a writer’s group to discuss ideas. Use your “buddy” to help set deadlines to ensure that you make time to work on achieving your dream.
Create a dream team of support and enlist them to be your cheerleaders. Selectively choose your dream team and make sure they have no hidden agenda and that they truly believe in you, your potential and the pursuit of your dream.