If you can dream it, you can do it
I have that little saying (Walt Disney) tacked up to remind myself that nothing is out of reach ... you must first have a vision ... make it really clear with colors, sites, sounds and smells. What does the end state look like? The more details the better!
For me it really helps to get clear on what I want and in some ways acting as if I already have it because that is one way to help pave the way for what you want to come to you.
And, if not, when you're like 100 years old and not remembering things too well, maybe you'll think you did it! (Sorry ... I had to insert a little humor in there)
I know for me, I have to make a list or somehow articulate through writing! It becomes more real to me if it's down on paper. So, in terms of dreams, if I write it down, I really feel like I've begun...then I can add steps further down the road to get to my final goal.