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Who is up for a challenge????


Who is up for a challenge? Do you feel that you are the best person you can be in the really important areas of your life? When you go to sleep tonight will you lay your head on your pillow knowing that you have lived the best life you could live today? Do you understand what is truly important to your authentic self - and do you know who the authentic you really is? Do you go through your day and your life on auto-pilot just taking what happens, making justifications and excuses - and are you really cognizant that you are doing this - or because of life’s demands are you floating through each day just happy to have survived? I am ready for major CHANGE in my life and I am ready to live my life to its fullest potential - and I am stating here and now, that as of today, I am going to live each day with a conscious effort to challenge myself, be more, not allow fear to cheat me out of an amazing life and experiences - and I will leave the safety of my comfort zone to really live a life full of risks and rewards. In the spirit of this amazing place we find ourselves: first30days.com - I commit to follow through for the next 30 days with a push each and every day to truly live, be aware and begin the journey of self-discovery and be all I can be. Tonight I will sleep well! Who would like to join me and make the same commitment to themselves?

Shared by eherzer on 11/12/08

Carla thank you for your support and joining in! You are so right about the accountability aspect and that is one of the reasons I posted this yesterday - hoping to inspire some other people and to hold myself more accountable by posting it in such a public way. And, yes, I have written out what I want to change and accomplish - another accountability tactic - in fact, I have post it notes on my bathroom mirror to remind me and notes that I have written out to keep in various places. I work from home a lot so I have constant reminders all around me. So, yes I am taking action, and on day 2 when I almost slipped I pulled up first30days.com and I was instantly pulled back to what I want and I AM committing to 30 days and then it will be a breeze. I am here for you too and anyone else that wants to join us. It is really so exciting what we can accomplish in our lives when we commit and take control! Thank you Carla - so happy to have your beautiful fortysomething self in on this with me :) Let's keep in touch and stay on track! Elizabeth

  • By eherzer
  • on 11/13/08 5:45 PM EST

Hi Eherzer, I am in! I love challenges, especially one filled with such postive thinking, and power! Your approach is great, and I love accountability. Using this site, asking for help, and engaging others will bring us all success! Let me know if I can help. Suggestion: Did you write down what you want? Did you take action towards it yet? Let me know if you need any assistance! Have a great day and congratulations.


Ok, so I am now posting a comment to my own comment here ... does anybody do that? lol I really appreciate the comments back from each of you and have so enjoyed reading all of your postings as well. Victoria - that is a wonderful song - and I will keep that in my head. Caroline and Kristen - I have read a lot of your postings and love them too! And, I will definitely get that book Kristen - I LOVE reading! Life is just too short not to make the time to do what is important for ourselves professionally, personally and spiritually - in 5 years or even a year from now will we even remember what was so stressful and consumed all of our time today - probably not. Making the time to invest in ourselves and the important relationships in our lives though will make a huge difference a week, a year, 5 years and dare I say into the next lifetime ;) You all are so beautiful and inspiring to me and I truly thank you for that!

  • By eherzer
  • on 11/12/08 5:51 PM EST

Yes! Thank you for sharing your true desires! I hope you'll let us continue to root for you as you walk down this path.

Have you read Coming Up for Air by Margaret Becker? At age 30(ish, I think) she took a one-month retreat at an oceanside rental, where her only promise to herself was to stop each day to take in both the sunrise and the sunset. Her observations are witty and unique. Highly recommend this book.

I often want to do the same and see what happens...perhaps what you're committing to is a good interim step, until I'm able to take a month's sabattical I'll strive alongside you to live the next 30 days fully engaged in life!

  • By kristen
  • on 11/12/08 3:46 PM EST

VictoriaB: I love that song! I, too, remind myself of those words when I need to get inspired or recommit to living my life to its fullest potential. Love it!

eherzer: You are inspiring. Thank you for posting this and getting readers revved up! I love your passion.