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Vern Yip

Vern Yip

Designer for TLC's hit show "Trading Spaces"

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Susan Serra

Susan Serra

Certified kitchen designer and NKBA member

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Janice Anne Costa

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Question:What's your dream kitchen?

The other night my girlfriends and I somehow ended up in the home section of a department store. We were fantasizing about all the different kitchen set-ups. I decided that my dream kitchen will have a deluxe dishwasher and TWO ovens. What would you have in yours?

Asked by runnindownadream on 11/19/08 2 Answers»


I love really open floor plans, so that if you're cooking the kitchen, you are facing the living room, or table, or anything but a wall! So that you can still interact with everyone. Also, I love "open storage," having glass cabinets or open cabinets so that you can see where everything is. It also adds some colors depending on what kind of dishes you have.

Definitely an oven with more than one rack! But I'm in New York where compromise is the name of the game!

Answered by: aliciak on 12/11/08


My dream kitchen will come with a chef who cooks and cleans for me. Is that wrong?
For real, I just want it to have a dishwasher.

Answered by: Cwolf112 on 11/20/08
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