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Kalman A. Chany

Founder and president of Campus Consultants

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Mark Kantrowitz

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The Gift of Credit Hours

The Gift of Credit Hours

With the holidays coming up, many people are making their lists and checking them twice. Some gifts are naughty, and some are nice (OK, enough with the holiday rhymes!) The point is, there is one gift that's sure to help your child's future and it doesn't come with rhinestones or detachable parts!

As many families are struggling with cash right now, the thought of saving for college is daunting. But it doesn't necessarily have to be a burden you carry alone. Many family members and friends offer your kids the gift of cash during holidays and birthdays, so why not have them direct that money to your designated 529 plan? It keeps your kids from blowing it and it lightens your load a little...maybe not a lot, but every bit counts.

Make it fun with your kids, too. Let them see how their money for college is growing and encourage them to make deposits themselves. It'll teach your child an important lesson in saving for the future (and we're sure they'll get plenty of other gifts they can enjoy today.)

Would you ask people to contribute to your 529 in this way? What other methods have you used to save for your child's education?

Posted: 9/24/08