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Keeping, uh, Down with the Joneses?

Okay, we admit. Selling your house is a dicey prospect these days, maybe even no prospect at all. Plus, all talk of this little problem borders on the mundane, doesn't it? But we’re still talking about it almost like “how ya doin’? How’s the weather? Sold your house yet?”
Of course the answers are “all right,” “rotten,” and “no.” And that “no” continues to be the answer, right? Yep.
To make yourself feel better, check out how the rich folks and celebrities are coping with the problem of house sales. Here’s a great little blog, the Zillow Blog, that will update you on all such matters. What’s great about the blog is it tracks these stories from their birth as rumors through their mid-life as real stories.
Looks like we, the little people, aren’t alone in our prospects of house sales. So, have fun and take note of the rumors. They make the better stories this close to the weekend.