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Marcia Layton Turner

Marcia Layton Turner

Author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Staging Your Home...

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Teri B. Clark

Author of 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home

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Legally Bonded

Legally Bonded

Come out with your hands up! The design policeman is here to charge you with the crime of trying to sell a home full of cracked linoleum, dusty curtains and a prominent display of your state spoon collection. Hollywood, Florida police officer Michael Verdugo (a.k.a. Mikey V) may spend his working hours cracking down on bad guys, but in his free time the 33-year-old former personal trainer spends his off time thinking about kitchen schemes and lighting fixtures. He specializes in buying run-down homes, giving them a makeover or "staging" them in order to entice potential buyers.

He has become so skilled at his craft that he has been chosen to participate in the HGTV's third season of "Design Star." And what do fellow officers think of Mikey V's remarkably un-macho pursuits? "They understand and support me," he said. "When we go to Starbucks, they read Guns & Ammo, and I read design magazines."

Most home selling experts agree that staging your home can greatly improve your chances of attracting potential buyers. Something as simple as replacing lighting fixtures or removing family photos from common areas can make a big difference. And, if you'd like to like to act out your hot cop fantasy in the process, you can reach Mikey V at his design web site Elitestagers.com.

[Chicago Tribune]

Posted: 7/7/08