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Winn Claybaugh

Winn Claybaugh

Motivational speaker, business owner and author of Be Nice...

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Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek

CEO and founder of SinekPartners Corporate Refocusing--helping...

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Karyn Greenstreet

Internationally known speaker, author and expert on self employment...

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Business Myths, Debunked

There's no shortage of advice on how to boost your new business's success. The challenge is picking out the valuable stuff from the overwrought myths. The Globe and Mail's Report on Business took the five most prevalent entrepreneurial clichés and has picked apart the reasoning (or lack thereof) behind each of them. Find out why the finger-waggers may be wasting their time.

Posted: 12/17/07