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Destined for Business Success

Robert F. Kennedy once said, “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” Apparently, if you’re starting a new business you should probably have this saying posted on every wall of your office because it’s the key to your success.

This concept of believing that you can succeed in the face of resistance or failure is called self-efficacy, and  people who continue to tell themselves that they will be successful often are. As this Wall Street Journal article points out, Walt Disney was once rejected for a job because he “lacked imagination,” and J.K. Rowling was rejected by 12 publishers before she finally got her shot. What kept them going? Self-efficacy.

You don’t have to be born with this unbreakable drive to succeed—it can be learned, if you’re determined to learn how to do it. Often it comes down to avoiding negative thoughts about your abilities, along with mastering your skills and telling yourself that you will succeed.  

Do you use a mantra in your business setting? What do you do to maintain your drive in the face of defeat? [The Wall Street Journal]

Posted: 4/29/08