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Even Superman Took the Weekend Off

Are you an entrepreneur so eager to grow and build your small businesses that you often work six or even seven days a week? Being a hard worker is not a bad personality trait, but unchecked it can consume your entire life and when that happens a hard worker can slowly morph into a burnt-out workaholic.
You need to have balance in your life! Relinquishing control of duties is a necessity for many entrepreneurs striving to find a balance between work and their personal life. It's all about setting rules and sticking to them. Also, it's important to have an outlet, be it a hobby, a sport or a therapist.
Integrate relaxation into everyday activity. Get away from everything—even your phone. Exercising is a good way to break down tension and stress. Remember not to forget to pay attention to family and/or your support system and to communicate openly with those closest to you. Don't be afraid to get help. And remember to laugh and have fun!
Entrepreneurs may attempt to be superheroes, but when it comes down to it, they're only human.
What do you do as an entrepreneur to have a healthy work/life balance? [MSNBC]