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I.T. Support Isn't Just For Big Business

Small business owners often juggle tasks from accounting to finding customers. But the one task many busy managers avoid is taking care of computers, networks and other technology. Installing software, setting up broadband connections and backing up servers can be time-consuming and complicated.

Yet because many small companies often do not have specialists in information technology on staff, when critical technology fails business can grind to a halt. This is why some I.T. specialists are expanding their operations to help small companies with limited resources. Big players like IBM are providing off-site servers and keeping them safe from viruses and other threats. Technology providers, including Geek Squad (which is affiliated with Best Buy) are moving beyond helping consumers to focus more on small businesses.

Small companies are also relying on I.T. specialists in other parts of the world for remote support, like monitoring the security of servers. So reach out and get yourself some help! You don’t have to do everything on your own. Are you an entrepreneur that uses these types of I.T. specialists? How have they helped you and your business? [NY Times]

Posted: 5/28/08