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Winn Claybaugh

Winn Claybaugh

Motivational speaker, business owner and author of Be Nice...

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Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek

CEO and founder of SinekPartners Corporate Refocusing--helping...

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Karyn Greenstreet

Internationally known speaker, author and expert on self employment...

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Got A Tip?


Find a partner...


If you can find someone who has a skill set different from yours, you trust and also get along with well - having a partner always makes starting and running a business at least 50% easier. Conversely, if you can't convince anyone to join you as a partner in a new business it may be an indication that your idea needs some work.

Shared by treenyc on 9/29/08

Definitely. Having that person to bounce ideas off of is key. It can be tough to find a "match," so it's worth trying things out before committing/signing any business papers. I've been witness to friends turned business partners where it doesn't work at all!