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Giving at the Office

Giving at the Office

Does your office do a gift exchange? Here, a few gift ideas that are sure to please everyone—even your weird co-workers (courtesy Works by Nicole Williams; check out the site for even more ideas). They're great, especially if you've started a new job and don't know people too well yet.

For the Kiss-up: What to give the biggest brownnoser in your group? Why, organic lip balm for her smackers, of course. There’s no resisting this “All the Better to Kiss You With” trio of organic lip balms ($17.99; farmhousewares.com). The shiny lip balms flavored with peppermint, lavender, vanilla, and chai mandarin are packed in tiny vintage-inspired tins and will keep the kiss-up’s lips looking pretty and pouty.

For the Worrier: The worrier kvetches over everything—deadlines, project details, conference calls, etc. And her unease is starting to show. Help soothe those developing wrinkles and worry lines with Frownies ($19.95; frownies.com). Put these wacky facial pads (they look sort of like a Band-Aid) on your face while you sleep and watch them disappear. Warning! Only give this gift if the office worrier is also your office gal-pal (unless, of course, you want the office worrier to become your worst enemy).

For the Boss: Of course you’d like to give your boss a supercool (and expensive) gift this holiday season. But frankly, in this rough economic climate, if you aren’t getting a raise, she ain’t getting a pricey present. The Republic of Tea has a variety of lovely leaves—holiday, antioxidant, even ”pink” teas to benefit breast cancer research. There are teas for wellness: “Get Happy” tea or “Get a Grip” tea. Our favorite? The “Get Relaxed” travel tea set with lavender tea and tea bags, a candle, and some scented lotion. ($14.99; republicoftea.com). Because a worry-free holiday and start to a new year is something every great leader should be able to appreciate! -Anne Zimmerman

Posted: 12/9/08