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Kissing Up at Work

Sucking up to the boss is a subtle art form. Many try and fail, but a select few who know how to do it well will find their career path carved for them. How do these masterful manipulators manage to butter up the boss without looking pathetic? Forbes has put together one of their masterful slide shows sharing some insider tips, including:

  • Make things seem like your boss’s idea.
  • Compliment strategically, not all day long.
  • Don’t complain and do everything in the manner he or she wants.
  • Defer to your boss’s authority on any major decisions.
  • Mimic your boss’s speaking manner or energy, but don’t imitate it.

You don’t need to suck up to your boss to be successful at starting a new job, but it can't hurt. [Forbes]

Posted: 4/2/08