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New Job Blunders

There’s so much information out there telling you what you should do to succeed in a new job but what about the things you shouldn’t do in a new job? Where’s that list?
Hey, it happens to be right here! The Times of London has put together a few horror stories of new employees who committed some early blunders that you can avoid. For example:
* Don’t ask rude or inane questions on the first day, such as inquiring about taking a sick leave or how quickly you can be promoted.
* Don’t bring you mom. One 22-year-old employee brought his mother to a new job orientation. His boss had to gently explain that they didn’t hire his mother, so she had to leave.
* One gentleman showed up for work when no one in the office was expecting a new hire, and after an hour he realized he was at the wrong company. Do proper research in to your company before you start and know without a doubt where the office is.
Of course there are many more things you can avoid doing, but there’s lots more things you could be doing. Tory Johnson, a workplace expert and “Good Morning America” contributor, shared a list of things you can do to start a new job on the right foot. To read more of her interview, click here. [Timesonline.co.uk]

Posted: 4/15/08