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Sorry I'm Late, I Uh...

You wake up on time and you’re out the door at just the right minute, but oh no, you’re stuck in traffic! According to CNN, many workers owe their tardiness at work to their morning commute. It's definitely important to establish a regular morning routine, but if you’re starting a new job, being on time can seem like a full-blown challenge.
So let’s say you arrive a tad-bit late to work, your boss will most likely ask for an explanation. In most cases, honesty is the best solution, but if you feel the need to tell a little fib, CNN lists the top ten real-life excuses. Our favorite is number three: “I had to go audition for American Idol.” Hm. Wonder how many people are getting away with that one?
Check the rest out on their web site! Tell us your best tardiness excuse. Did your boss believe you?