The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!
Walking the Line

This is normally what happens when actors abandon film for music. Selling a few albums and hanging out with Rick James is fun and all, but never meets the expectations (or the level of talent) said actor achieved on film.
Joaquin Phoenix says that it will be different for him. His remarkable acting ability allowed him to embody Johnny Cash in "Walk the Line," and now Phoenix is hoping to bring that same energy to a completely new career. This weekend Phoenix, who has also starred in mega-hits like "Gladiator" and "The Village," confirmed that he will be leaving movies to pursue music full-time and that he doesn't plan on coming back. (Guess we can all be glad this bug didn't hit him while he was playing Commodus. There's just no money in gladiating.)
"It's like greener pastures, you know what I mean?" Phoenix told the Associated Press. "And so, I'm just going to try and like, I'll just be doing the other thing. ... Hopefully, I will emotionally impact you with that, as well."
We sure hope Phoenix can break the trend of great actors having not so great musical careers. In addition to Murphy, Bruce Willis, Russell Crowe and Juliet Lewis have all embarked on less-than-stellar musical adventures. But, hey at least they're having fun, right? The important thing is that they're bringing the same amount of passion they had for their old job for their new one.
Have you recently-as Phoenix said-moved on to greener pastures and started a new job? How is your transition going?
You know Johnny Depp started in music? Nicholas Cage saw him and suggested acting instead. And I haven't started a new job, but I quit one novel and started working on another. NEVER do that. It's a bad idea. Greener pastures often only look greener until you actually get there.
I predict Joaquin will have a less-than-stellar music career and will (hopefully) return to movies. He definitely has musical talent; I just think he’s more talented as an actor. And while we’re on the subject, I saw Juliette Lewis with her band Juliette and the Licks when they opened for Muse, and I was actually very impressed with her performance. She’s really good live.