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Work Bullies

Even though you’ve left the playground far behind, bullies can still lurk everywhere. And it’s likely that you’ve got one in your office. Research has shown that 54 million people have been bullied at work, and 45% of bully targets will suffer from stress related health concerns. And the sad part is that unless the abuse is severe, you probably don’t realize that you’re a victim.

Some signs that you’re being bullied include:

  • Getting yelled at by a boss or coworker.
  • Being constantly criticized even though you’re doing good work.
  • Not being invited to lunches or meetings.
  • Feeling nauseous about going to work.

So what can you do about it? If this person is your equal, discuss the situation with your direct supervisor. If that doesn’t work or the problem is coming from your supervisor, take it up a notch and speak to your Human Resources department. No one has to put up with harassment at work, especially if you’re starting a new job. If all else fails, save your sanity and start looking for a new job. Your health is worth it! [Forbes]

Posted: 3/28/08