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Question:I'm SO overwhelmed at my new job/career change. How do you cope?

I started a new job, I should say a total career change. I was in Early Childhood and now I'm going into Phelbotomy, I know HUGE career change. Four days into the job and I'm regreting the change because I feel that I'll never "get it". Any comments and suggestions would be grateful! Thank you!

Asked by lirpamh on 9/6/08 6 Answers»


From experience, it takes at least 8 months to feel remotely comfortable with a new job or role. You're brand new and haven't experienced this before. Give yourself some credit for making the switch and chill a bit. If other people are giving you a hard time for not being "with it" yet, ask them for suggestions on how they got into a grove. They most likely will be reminded that it's not as easy as they might think it is because they have been at it for longer. Also, take notes - and make to-do lists. Get a good binder so that you can look back on all of the things that you did learn for future reference. After a few months you will look back on your progress and will feel really pumped and proud of yourself. Hang in there!! It will for sure get better!

Answered by: C_Wachten on 9/25/08


I made a gradual switch from Education to Freelancing/Writing, and it was quite a change! It sounds cliched, but "stick with it." It's a transition, maybe a bumpy one, but think of it as a challenge rather than a roadblock. When I was in early childhood ed, I used to say/think that there are no bad or trouble kids, only challenging ones. Those are the kids that made my job harder, yes, but they also taught me a lot and made me a better teacher.

Answered by: SunnySide on 9/18/08


Boy is this appropriate for me! I was laid off along with a very large group of people after 13 years, some employees were laid off after 20 years. I knew it was coming because they told us to be prepared on August 5th that they would be handing out layoff's. I was utterly and completely devastated. I thought I would be there until my retirement, I loved my job! This just happened on August 5th and they let us stay until August 29th. I had also just recently had surgery after a diagnosis of an auto0immune disorder. I'm going out of my mind faxing and mailing resumes! Just the mere thought @ going on interviews scares me to death. I have not been out there interviewing in 13 years. I don't like change! I have 2 interviews next week and I'm terrified. I need to gather myself together and look confident when I walk into these interviews. I am a Clinician who counsels chidren and teens in crisis. I have a Master's degree. They just couldn't pay us because they are non-profit and in debt 800,000 dollars. Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers. giapooh

Answered by: giapooh on 9/11/08


Baby steps. First prioritize what you want to accomplish, most important goal first, then break that goal down into smaller steps ie. If you dont understand the human vascualr system routing, get that down, so you will understand when someone says a certain area of the circulation. And keep one going, This way you are not overwhelmed and will accomplish much more in a more relaxed state of mind.

Answered by: mwesson on 9/10/08


V is right-four days isn't enough time to get it!

Find yourself a mentor-someone in your new field who can help you fill in the blanks and build some confidence. And remember...one day at a time! In a few months you'll look back and remember this, and marvel at how much you've learned.

Answered by: kristen on 9/7/08


You're only four days in so you really need to give yourself some time. You're not alone. Everyone feels a certain amount of anxiety when starting a new job and wonders if they did the right thing.

Think about what attracted you to your new field to begin with and take strength in the ultimate career goals you have.

If you think you won't get it perhaps you can take some classes at night or find a colleague to tutor or mentor you.

Building relationships can help you fit in and cope with this new and exciting change.

Good luck!

Answered by: VictoriaB on 9/6/08
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