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Question:How do I stop the negitive thinking that I constantly battle with?

On bad days with my depression and anxiety, I will get a negitive thought in my head and it will eat away at me.

Espcially when it comes to my romantic relationship

I will get a negitive thought in my head like.. "He doesnt love me ..how could he? im nothing special. He is probably lying to me to make me feel good."

These thoughts will come to me for no good reason, He is very good to me and loves me lots..

It can be so bad that I will even project these things on to him when he didnt do anything to warrent it..

Im tired of being my own worset enemy..


Asked by BellaBKNY on 11/17/08 2 Answers»


Focus on Jesus, and all postive things in life
Keep going on..

Answered by: victoria45424 on 3/19/10


HI Bella, I applaud your honesty, and your seeking help to stop what you know is not good for you or your loved ones. My best advice is to read Ariane's book and follow it. Take the time to do the exercises, reflect, and try her 9 principles! The book is very good, and will make you feel too good to think negative. I have a favorite quote too for you that keeps me from thinking negative about anything I love and that is, "You create what you fear". Now don't dwell on bad stuff any more! :) Take care. Carlabeau

Answered by: carlabeau on 12/1/08
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