Learn Your Terms

Confused by college lingo? Learn these essential terms and you can be sure you won’t be left out of the conversation!
Add/Drop Period: A one- or two-week period at the beginning of a semester when students may add classes to, or drop them from, their schedules without academic or financial penalty.
Audit Course: A course in which a student is enrolled, but is not required to participate for a grade. This option allows students to take elective courses without worrying about assignments or final grades.
Bursar’s Office: The office where students pay tuition and school fees. Here, students can check on the status of financial aid, scholarships and work-study payments against their accounts. The word “bursar” refers to a treasurer or financial business officer.
Dead Week: Also known as “reading period,” this scary-sounding term refers to the week before finals when classes are over and students are given time to study for final exams.
Resident Assistant (RA): The designated, residential life representative in a dorm controlled by the school. The RA is there to assist students living there with any issues and to enforce the rules governing that living space.
Syllabus: A course outline that lists the topics to be covered and a tentative timeline for lectures, assignments, tests and projects.
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