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Our Stepparenting Experts

Jeannette Lofas

Jeannette Lofas

Founder of the Stepfamily Foundation

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Sally Bjornsen

Sally Bjornsen

Creator of the Sassy Stepmother web site and author of The...

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Dr. Carl Pickhardt

Dr. Carl Pickhardt

Psychologist and author of Keys to Successful Stepfathering

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Stepparent Support

Stepparent Support

As a stepmother, you will probably face many challenges that you never expected would be a part of your life. Often, when you turn to your girlfriends for advice, they’re just as bewildered as you if they are not stepparents as well.

Which is why you may have to get some new friends.

No, you don’t have to abandon your old ones. Just get some new online confidantes who know what you’re going through. A support group of stepmothers meets on Stepmother’s Milk to discuss trials and joys that only other stepmothers can relate to.

Founder Izzy Rose created the site as a place where stepmothers can nurture and care for each other (thus the site title). It’s also a popular place for venting with a commiserate audience. (Sorry guys, you’ll have to create your own caring and sharing web site for stepfathers. There are gender-neutral sites for stepparenting discussions.)

The online forums exist in such topics as “How not to take it personally” and “Do our men want us to be pals with the Ex?” In addition to the message boards, the site contains Izzy Rose’s blogs detailing her stepparenting adventures, links to other stepparenting sites, and a list of helpful reading material.

How has the support of other stepparents helped you through some of your challenges?

Posted: 5/13/08