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Patrick Hurley

Patrick Hurley

Co-author of HDTV for Dummies

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Dale Cripps

Founder and co-publisher of HDTV Magazine

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Pete Putman

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are

One of the biggest concerns with any new high tech equipment purchase is the hidden costs. It's a terrible feeling to spend a lot of money on new technology only to find out that you'll have to pour even more money into it to keep it working properly. You want to be on the cutting edge with your media set-up, but you don't want to get hurt, so what's a media mogul to do? This practical article from beststuff.com is filled with real life examples of how to identify and avoid that problem when upgrading to HDTV.

Are you considering upgrading to HDTV or have you already?

Posted: 3/6/08