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Let's Make a Deal

You scan the circulars every Saturday and Sunday morning—hoping and waiting for the HDTV you want to go on sale. But if you are willing to get up and do a little work before going in for the buy, you can get a price you want right now.
First, decide the size and kind of HDTV you want (there are several quality options). Then, by browsing the big, chain electronic stores, you can get an idea of the model, brand and design that fits best in your home. Write down the specs and head back to your computer.
Use an online search agent to narrow your search and find the lowest prices available. While this is a tempting place to stop, remember sales tax and shipping aren’t always free! Found the best deal on the TV you want? Great! Now one more step…
Mosey on over to your local consumer electronic store where the salespeople earn commission. This could be a mom-and-pop shop or a limited chain, only in your area or a few states. Approach the individual with an inquisition: I found this price, can you beat it?
Lowering the price means less commission, but this salesperson did virtually nothing to help you. If you had asked question after question, he or she might not be so giving, feeling that they really earned all of their compensation. So chances are if you go in educated, you’ll be lucky and get what you wanted. And voilà! Sweet success.
Where did you buy your HDTV, and how did you find the best deal for it? [HDGuru]

Posted: 5/30/08