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Sony Chimes in With Internet TV

Sony Chimes in With Internet TV

Although Sony is introducing a new module that will have some wireless capabilities for your late-model TVs, it's not nearly as technologically advanced as Panasonic's internet wired HDTV. The Sony module is a small box that fits into the back of your TV and is pre-loaded with Youtube and Wired.com and has existing video from Yahoo, AOL, Sports Illustrated, and Style.com.

The module will run you about $300, which is significantly less than the Panasonic TV, but the technology is limited to what's pre-loaded on the device. If these are all you get, you may be better off just surfing the web—that certainly won't cost you $300. Sony does have some new HDTVs coming out this year, so maybe the technology will rival Panasonic's by then; however, no prices have been released.

Which do you think you'd prefer? The Panasonic or the module from Sony? [USA Today]

Posted: 6/6/08