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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

The Lighter News

The Lighter News

In the midst of the financial meltdown and attempts to structure a recovery, here’s an important news item. We get a reprieve on switching over to DTV. Now THAT’S important!

Read about it here. Yesterday President Obama signed a bill delaying the analog-to-digital switchover until June. (Yeah, it reminds us of the guy in class who gets an extra weekend to write his paper, the one that’s been due for a month, because he just isn’t ready.)

A lotta people didn’t like that guy.

But, we don't mind him or the delay. We’re ready for the switch when it comes. We did our homework and our shopping months ago. Why wait?

But, just in case you aren’t ready and didn’t know about yesterday’s bill, the switch is postponed until June 12. You don’t have to toss the rabbit ears just yet. And your old crank TV will still work.

(Yeah, we know you still have a black-and-white TV in the basement. Har har. Why don’t you go on down there and watch the tubes warm up? That ought to be good for 15 minutes of entertainment. Wait a minute. That sounds sort of charming. May we join ya?)

Posted: 2/13/09

I really wish we could just make the change. Suppose a few more months is not going to make that much of a difference other than the expense that local channels are paying to broadcast the ol fashioned way.