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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

The Torch Arrives in HD!

The blazing flame looks so realistic you might scorch yourself if you touch the screen with your fingers. Hey, get your paws off my HDTV! Can’t have fingerprints for the all-HD coverage of The Games!

Olympic hype is growing, as the torch just passed through San Francisco to Buenos Aires and will be headed for Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. But this is just the beginning. You can thank NBC, because the Olympics in Beijing this year will be breaking some all-time records to give viewers the ultimate show experience. (We hope so—they paid $5.7 billion to exclusively cover the events!)

Say bye-bye to “standard” cameras because on August 8th, the Olympic broadcasting will only be recorded in high-def—with more than 1,000 cameras and 60 mobile units for a whopping total of 756 hours of fabulous HD footage. These numbers don’t just sound huge—they are. Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics will have more high-definition and broadband coverage than any other sporting event in history.

Warning: you may feel like you aren’t even on this continent anymore. Will this special coverage of The Games make you more likely to tune in? [Variety]

Posted: 4/11/08