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Patrick Hurley

Patrick Hurley

Co-author of HDTV for Dummies

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Dale Cripps

Dale Cripps

Founder and co-publisher of HDTV Magazine

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Pete Putman

Pete Putman

Expert video technician and host of the site HDTVexpert.com

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

When You Like To Watch

The way we watch television is changing and has been changing for quite some time. No longer do we have to be at home at a certain time to catch a favorite show or sporting event. Technology like Tivo and DVR has given us new flexibility and options with our viewing habits. So, how has the HD revolution affected when and how often we watch TV? This article from tvpredictions.com indicates that homes with HD tune in more often.

Are you watching more or less television these days? Is it because of HD?

Posted: 2/26/08