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Abe Is My Homeboy
If only we could truly be BFF with John Adams or Honest Abe, we so would. In the meantime, we can just be their Facebook friend.
Oh. You didn't know your past leaders and future president are all hanging out in the interweb's coolest social network?
This election year, Facebook became the place to show your allegiance to the Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin campaign. Fan pages were created by each campaign, and of course there were the requisite user created groups too. Obama's Facebook page has about 3 million supporters.
Why use Facebook to show your allegiance for this president (or any other, for that matter?) Because...why not? In the days since the election, some of us have found ourselves justifying our allegiance to the president-elect. There have been some heated notes posted and messaging back and forth—and while the compulsion might just be to move on already, part of us thinks that Facebook showcases the very best of democracy in action—it's a place where all voices can be heard, debates can run freely and we can each stand behind individuals and causes we believe in.
And when we change our minds, we can always leave a group or "unfriend" someone.
So what's your Facebook status these days? Do you believe in using social networks to drive support toward causes and candidates?
Yes, I add causes I support to my Facebook profile. It's another demension of showing who you are and what your beliefs are.