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Do you ever get rid of friends on Facebook?
You friend someone but later realize that, nothing against them, but you just aren't that interested in seeing their status updates everyday, pictures tagged of them, etc. It's so easy to become "friends" with someone on FB...just click! Do you ever remove someone from your friends list though?
After my first major break-up I went on an de-friending spree. I think I got rid of like 100 people who were never really my friends in the first place - just acquaintances of my ex. It was surprisingly liberating. Now that I'm back in the dating world, I don't friend guys that I"m interested in because I don't want to have to deal with deleting them later or just having them know all about my life.
I just removed someone from my FB...my rule is "friends in real life only." If we don't communicate regularly outside facebook or have some sort of deeper connection (or at least did at some point, like college friends or old neighbors) then they can go. You're right, there are some people you don't need to see everyday!