Building Your Profile

Once you’ve put up a picture and thought about what type of relationships you would like to nurture through your Facebook profile, the next step is to add your personal information to the page. Click the “Edit” button next to Profile tab on any Facebook page to add or delete information from your profile.
Just because there are many fields capable of posting lots of information about who you are doesn’t mean you have to fill them. One of the nice security features about Facebook is that you’re not obligated to provide much information. Only include what you want to share with the world. You may not want the world to know your prior work history, your current relationship status or that you have a collection of cookie jars.
There’s a minimum amount of information that might be helpful for you to have a full and well-rounded Facebook experience. At the very least, it may be helpful for you to input your gender, city, state, education and current work information, along with your birth date (leave out the year, for security purposes) and relationship. This will help you automatically enter into a Facebook network of people based on your job or geographical location. Remember that your information is available to anyone in your network.
All of this information can be updated, changed or removed; so don’t feel like your first go is a permanent one. If nothing else, this first try will be a great adventure!