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Preston Gralla

Preston Gralla

A technology expert and author of more than 35 books, including...

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Derek Torres

Derek Torres

Author and contributor to Microsoft's online Expert Zone

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Mark Justice Hinton

Owner of PC Training and Consulting and instructor at the...

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Hasta, Vista?

Hasta, Vista?

Those are the words of Lance Ulanoff, esteemed EIC at PC Magazine...and we can see what he means. There's been a shift of power—well, interest at any rate—from the Vista OS to the new Windows 7. With innovations such as the multi-touch interface support that Microsoft is working on, it's easy to see why Vista could be considered a relic when Windows 7 hits the stores. But what's really baking the techie world's noodle about Vista is the fact that Microsoft is simultaneously trying to push Vista while building the hype for Windows 7 as being a better product. Can't have your cake and eat it too, Mr. Gates. It's one or the other, you gotta choose!

With Apple on the move to dominate the market, Microsoft needs to catch up. Unfortunately, they're about six months behind the game. Which OS works for you? Mac or Vista? For that matter, Vista or Windows 7? [PC Mag]

Posted: 5/28/08

I have to agree. I actually like Vista once I started using it and found things.
Really don't everyone is giving it a chance.
Now with Windows 7 on the horizon my question is where does that people those of us who are using Vista?