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Move Over Explorer, There's a New Browser in Town

Move Over Explorer, There's a New Browser in Town

Google expanded their tech empire this week with the release of Google Chrome, their first web browser. Chrome hopes to compete with Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

In a change of pace from most browsers, if a web site in one tab falters on Chrome, only that tab closes instead of making your whole window disappear, and new tabs display your most visited sites and bookmarked pages instead of a blank screen. Wandering onto an unsafe web site immediately causes Chrome to pop up a deep red “Warning” window, so even the most confused surfer knows to stay away. 

Google claims switching browsers is easy; it only takes two clicks to import bookmarks and passwords from your old one, and learning more is as simple as flipping a page of the how-to comic book created for the launch.

Chrome is only available to download on Windows at the moment. But don't be jealous dear Mac and Linux users; plans are in the works to include you in on the fun, too!

What browser do you use to surf the web? Are you going to give Chrome a try and if you already have, how do you like it? [CNET]

Posted: 9/5/08

I’m excited to try Chrome, I just haven’t seemed to have a chance yet. I’ve heard a lot of buzz about it, mostly good, but some bad. I must admit that I doubt it will impress me enough to make me stop using Internet Explorer.