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Will Palin Fail?

When John McCain chose Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, it was clear that this would indeed be an historic presidential race.  The pick also sparked a debate over whether a mother of five-including a 17 year-old pregnant daughter-can truly handle being the second most powerful person in the country.  She’s even been criticized for going back to work just days after giving birth to her last child, who has Down Syndrome.  And some of Palin’s biggest critics are fellow working moms, who feel that she might be taking on too much.

It’s a battle that working moms have been dealing with for decades now: can you have a successful career and also be a good mom?  We want to know what you think—post your opinions below.

Posted: 9/2/08

I think she has to at least be given the chance to try. Only she knows what she can handle as a mother and will hopefully do the right thing for her family. I give her a lot of credit for wanting to take on such a professional challenge.

  • By bstarr
  • on 9/6/08 11:20 PM EST

Many people have questioned why Sarah Palin and her family has been a topic of conversation. Implying that if Obama was in a similar position, he would not garner the same attention as she has; implying that it is somehow sexist. But frankly, if Obama had five children, including a down's baby AND a pregnant teenage daughter, there would be no way that people WOULDN'T comment about that. They would suggest that he is being irresponsible, he had no family values, and he is just fathering children. There is something to be said about having your family life in order before you step into a position that demands all of your attention, whether you are a man or a woman.


I believe in feminism and equal rights and breaking through the glass ceiling. That's why all this Palin stuff is making me uneasy. I feel like women are amazing and can do anything we can put our minds too, but I also feel like we're the ones who are biologically capable of taking care of children. As far as we go in advancing in society, are there still going to be certain roles that men and women will always hold?


As a woman who has worked multiple jobs in her life at the same time, NOT EVEN COMING CLOSE to the pressure that a vice president of a country—a country that is fighting two wars—would have to deal with, I do think Palin has bitten off more than she can handle. The fact remains that women are the care givers to children, and she's got a special needs infant who will need much of her attention (not to mention the rest of her family). I'm sure she's a productive person, but I just don't believe she can effectively do both jobs (mom and VP) at the same time.

This is why Hillary was a great option. She had the experience, and her child was grown. I had no doubt she could devote much of her time to her job.

My biggest concern is that it appears that Johnny Mac will do anything it takes to win...when this woman doesn't appear to be that qualified.


Unhooked, I agree. I'm not concerned with her as a VP pick because she has kids (though I'm not sure in other respects she's a solid contender)...it's frustrating that women are taught they can have it all and then when we try, we are told to make a choice.

  • By kristen
  • on 9/3/08 11:34 AM EST

I find it interesting that the question of whether Ms. Palin can handle being a mom and being V-P is being brought up. No one is wondering if Mr. Obama can be a father and President or Mr. Biden could be a father and V-P. Sexism at it's most powerful!
It is an absurd question and should be as relevant as asking if Mr. Obama is going to be able to be President because he is of mixed race. That question CAN'T be said but we can surely ask if a woman could handle so much - 5 children, 1 with Downes Syndrome, a pregnant teenage daughter (which is not any business of the millions in this country who are making it their business).
It's great that we have come so far and yet have not moved a step: a woman's place is in the home and that's her priority whether she likes it or not!