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Our Your Empty Nest Experts

Claudia Arp

Claudia Arp

Co-founder of Marriage Alive International

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Natalie Caine

Natalie Caine

Therapist, coach and author

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Dr. Ellen Neiley Ritter

Dr. Ellen Neiley Ritter

Founder of Family Transitions Coaching

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

I am Freemale, Hear Me Roar

Having an empty nest can be especially challenging if you're a single mother who has devoted your life to supporting your child. However, saying goodbye to them and hello to flying solo can be a liberating experience—just ask the rising number of "freemales" in Great Britain. In that country, nearly 10% of the female population between 25 and 44 lives alone (and not unhappily, we might add.)

Famous female entertainers like Cameron Diaz (uh, not a Brit) and Kylie Minogue (hello, she's Australian!) are great role models for the single and fabulous lifestyle. Diaz once told an interviewer with anAustralian newspaper "I love being alone and being by myself. And I'm really good at it, too. Not in a weird 'leave me alone' kind of way, but I'm just much more comfortable when I'm by myself."

The Globe and Mail cites a study by the Economic and Social Research Council that found "women over 60 who live alone rate their lives as happier and healthier than if they cohabited." It may seem like a huge change right now, but as these women have shown, you might just enjoy being a true singleton.

Posted: 6/4/08