"I was actually waiting for your book to come out at Barnes and Noble, and reserved it two weeks before it came out. I told my therapist about it and your web site and how you made a positive impact on me." -M
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Our Your Empty Nest Experts

Claudia Arp

Claudia Arp

Co-founder of Marriage Alive International

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Natalie Caine

Natalie Caine

Therapist, coach and author

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Dr. Ellen Neiley Ritter

Dr. Ellen Neiley Ritter

Founder of Family Transitions Coaching

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Making Sense Of Your Feelings

When kids move out of the home, parents are faced with a variety of conflicting emotions. Dr. Phil says the best first step is to simply allow the feelings to be there. Once that's done, parents can enjoy the very real reward of living in an empty nest: pride in having raised self-determined young adults. Dr. Phil helps you through the transition.

Posted: 12/14/07