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Making the List

Columnist Rekha Basu came up with some exciting plans to look forward to after her kids moved out. Walking around the house naked topped her list (What? You don't do that with kids at home?), but she also included parachuting out of airplanes and climbing mountains. And, of course, being more carefree with money—whee! It's nice to know that adults want to revert to college age behavior when the kids head out. Maybe there's some parent-child bonding in Rekha's future...
In all seriousness, making a "To-Do-After-the-Kids-Leave" list is a great tool for getting through those days when the transition of going from full house to empty nest seems tough. And you needn't be as extreme as Rekha. Perhaps you just want to enjoy the silence, or create a space for sewing or reading and writing. What's the first thing on your list? [Zanesville Times Recorder]