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Claudia Arp

Claudia Arp

Co-founder of Marriage Alive International

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Natalie Caine

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Dr. Ellen Neiley Ritter

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Smooth Sailing

Smooth Sailing

When your kids leave home, you can either sit around and live vicariously through their worldly adventures, or you can take off and have a journey all your own. One clever way to do it is to take residence on a cruise ship. These floating hotels come with all the amenities you will need—gourmet food, activities, cute crew members—and there's something new to see every day.

One New Jersey woman made the Queen Elizabeth II her home for nine years after her husband died and her children were out of the house. She says that the $7,000-a-month price tag is comparable to what she would pay for rent and living expenses should she choose to take on dry land.

"My sons are delighted I'm here and safe and out of their hair," she told the The Times of London.

You too can get all of this for about $34,000 a year. If that price is too steep for you, or you're not ready to retire, you could always apply for a job on board as an activities director, performer or even a babysitter.

Where would you want to go if you took residence in a floating home? [Rightside Advisors & The Times]

Posted: 6/11/08