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Our Your Empty Nest Experts

Claudia Arp

Claudia Arp

Co-founder of Marriage Alive International

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Natalie Caine

Natalie Caine

Therapist, coach and author

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Dr. Ellen Neiley Ritter

Dr. Ellen Neiley Ritter

Founder of Family Transitions Coaching

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

The New Reality

Are you still feeling down about having an empty nest? Well, have you ever considered what your life might be like if your adult children still lived at home?

This is the case for a growing number of couples around the world, as more adult children are opting to extend their stay at the Chateau du Parental Units. An Australian production team has decided to examine the subject in an upcoming six part documentary series called "The Nest." Producer Paul Rudd (not the actor) says that he chose the subject because he wanted to see what was driving some young people to stay at home out of economic necessity while others are thriving on their own. The series follows twenty-somethings from three Sydney families as they move out on their own for the first time.

While viewers may draw their own conclusions from the program, one expert quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald has her own opinion. "You're [affecting] their employment [potential], their probability of having a successful adult relationship, increasing their probability of divorce and that they'll cheat on their taxes. If someone doesn't feel a sense of general responsibility, they'll be more inclined to do what they think they can get away with,"" says Psychologist Dr Dina McMillan."I blame it on my people, the baby boomers. We just don't want to go to the next phase. As long as you have kids in the house you're a parent, you don't have to move to the empty nest phase. Baby boomers too often see that as growing old."

Does this apply to you? Were you worried that no longer having kids in the house was going to turn you into a sweater-knitting golden girl or boy? It's time to let go of these ideas and embrace activities that will make you feel even younger than when you were a parent. Take a college class, jump out of an airplane, or strike up a new romance. You'll be renewed in no time.

Posted: 6/23/08