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Claudia Arp

Claudia Arp

Co-founder of Marriage Alive International

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Natalie Caine

Natalie Caine

Therapist, coach and author

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Dr. Ellen Neiley Ritter

Dr. Ellen Neiley Ritter

Founder of Family Transitions Coaching

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

When Parents Aren't Done Parenting

When kids leave home, some parents remap their home to suit a less crowded lifestyle, while other couples search the world for adventure. Then there are some who simply aren't done being moms and dads, and these folks adopt. MomLogic.com shares an interview with such a mother—and her biological daughter—that explains why she made the choice, and what she's getting from the experience.

Would you consider adopting a child after your grown children move out?

Posted: 3/5/08