"I liked your article in AdAge. I have friends who need to be exposed to your writings: these may be stressful times, but they have a purpose as a catalyst for change." -Brian
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Lee Thomas

Lee Thomas

Journalist, television broadcaster and author of Turning White...

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Julie Hryniewicz-Hache

Julie Hryniewicz-Hache

Keynote speaker, life consultant, seminar leader and author...

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Patrick Mathieu

Patrick Mathieu

Author of What’s Your Expiry Date?: Embrace Your Mortality...

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Life as a Guinea Pig

Did you ever wonder how drugs are tested before they go to the market? Or are you suffering with a specific disease and you’re willing to try anything to get better?
Researchers are constantly on the look out for the next cure and you could be an important part of that search. Check out ClinicalTrials.gov and look up the various studies that are in progress for your condition. You’d be surprised that medical trials are being conducted all across the country and the world. If you’re ready to try any treatment or if you’re just a little bit curious, consider being a guinea pig and volunteer for a research trial in your area.
If you are uncomfortable with the idea, check out our top five things to do to cope with your health diagnosis. Often, something as simple as changing your diet or talking to your doctor can improve your condition.

Posted: 3/18/08