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Lee Thomas

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Possible Cure for Diabetes

There is hope for people who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. In an experimental procedure, two surgeons at the Sound Shore Medical Center in New Rochelle, NY, have found that by redirecting food from the first foot of small intestine—a part of the body that secretes hormones controlling one’s blood sugar—diabetes can virtually be “cured.”
Madhu Rangraj, M.D., and Leonard Maffucci, M.D., claim to be the first surgeons in the U.S. to perform this procedure. They claim that nearly 85% of patients who come in with type 2 diabetes show no symptoms of the condition after surgery.
According to Rocco Turso, a type 2 diabetes patient for the past six years who had the procedure done, the surgery is nothing short of a miracle. "Having your life back again is really something,” Turso told ABC News. Since having the surgery his blood sugar levels have stabilized and his energy has increased.
The procedure is currently in clinical trials and it may be a while before it’s widely available to the public. But it appears that a cure for this health diagnosis may be closer than previously thought. [ABC News]

Posted: 4/14/08