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Want Strong Bones? Have a Drink!

It seems research is a bit conflicted on the health benefits and detriments of moderate drinking. Drinking helps improve heart health. No, wait, some research shows that drinking increases your risk of pancreatic cancer. Are a few cocktails good or bad for us?
Well, the positive side of drinking has another tally on its scoreboard from a recent study that says a drink a day keeps bone fractures away. Those who have one drink each day have about a 20% less risk of a hip fracture compared to non-drinkers. However, the negative side also gains a point because those who drank more than two drinks per day have about a 40% increased risk of hip fracture and chance a serious health diagnosis, like osteoporosis. So, we’re back to a drinking draw.
Perhaps both parties win with the maxim: When it comes to alcoholic drinks, a little goes a long way for your health. What do you think? [HealthDay]