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Lee Thomas

Lee Thomas

Journalist, television broadcaster and author of Turning White...

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Julie Hryniewicz-Hache

Keynote speaker, life consultant, seminar leader and author...

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Patrick Mathieu

Author of What’s Your Expiry Date?: Embrace Your Mortality...

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Change Nation: Scott Lew and Adam Bardach (10/31/08)

Scott Lew and Adam Bardach on Your Health Diagnosis

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Scott Lew was a successful Hollywood film executive and an aspiring movie director when he was given a devastating diagnosis—the twitches he was experiencing in his chest was ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease.
Despite the fact that most people who are diagnosed with ALS are given a five-year life expectancy, Scott was determined to direct his first feature film, “Bickford Shmeckler’s Cool Ideas.” His friend, Adam Bardach, documented Scott’s struggle to complete the film in “Living with Lew.”
On Change Nation, Scott talks about living with ALS, Adam explains what it’s like to document his friend’s struggle with a debilitating disease.
For more information on Scott Lew and Adam Bardach, visit www.livingwithlew.com.

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