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Question:How helpful do you think the internet is when researching health information?

Asked by VictoriaB on 2/5/08 4 Answers»


The internet is a double-edge sword here. I found an odd-shaped rash on my stomach one day. When it didn't go away for a few days, I did a quick Google search and the results showed it could be Lime Disease. I went directly to the doctor and received the antibiotics I needed to fight the disease early on.

But the truth is there have been other times that I've used the internet to research a problem and found some scary diagnoses--none which had anything to do with my problem.

Answered by: michelle on 2/16/08


You have hit the nail on the head right here. Until the internet replaces doctors once and for all, they are still called doctors for a reason, and that is because they put the DOC in Doctors, if you catch my meaning over here. You CANNOT diagnose better than that, and the internet is just the wrench in the toolbelt to use an old cornhusker bon mot. This is indeed what needs to be on the news, NOT all the violence and ahem, celbrity gossip!

Answered by: I_AM_Change on 2/14/08


Internet is the same as heath for many of these groups, wandering around. I would take first aid, rescue, and emergeencty training before. Behind the real reason is none other than a flesh blood supply so please do everyything you can for the community.

Answered by: sheep_tester on 2/13/08


I think it's very helpful. Of course, a lot of what's out there is gonna be crap, and you have to go in knowing that. And I certainly wouldn't make major medical decisions based on what I've read on the web. But I'm a firm believer in doing my research before I make a decision, and what is a more important decision than something involving your health? Not to mention that we all make mistakes and overlook things at our jobs - and I have to believe that doctors aren't perfect. On the off-chance I find something that they don't... I'm happy to spend my time googling away.

Answered by: LeahIF on 2/11/08
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