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Question:Does it bother your doctor when you whip out something you read on the web?

My doctor usually rolls her eyes, but she's very good natured about my self diagnosing.

Asked by VictoriaB on 2/5/08 2 Answers»


It bothered the first specialist that I went to, which convinced me that this was not the doctor for me. I requested to be referred to another specialist and she was fantastic with all of my questions about the research I had done.

When dealing with a new health diagnosis or ongoing health concern it is essential to be able to talk candidly with your medical practioners. I have also found that nurse practioners, if you can get referred to them, have been more thorough and supportive, than the doctors themselves.

As we are ultimately responsible for ensuring our best possible care, there is nothing more frustrating than having your doctor belittle you or your concerns. Seek until you find medical staff that you feel comfortable with.

Answered by: MakeItWork on 3/7/08


My doctor is usually happy when I do research on the web. I've found that, in my situation, reading on the web actually helped alleviate some of my fears AND I felt like I could ask my doctor more detailed questions regarding my particular case. I guess it really does depend on the doctor. I know if my doc didn't like that I was educating myself on my condition, I would find another doctor!

Answered by: LMAYO9 on 2/13/08
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