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Question:The color of your tongue?

I read somewhere that the color of your tongue is an indicator of the health of your internal system. Do you know if that is true?

Asked by wishuponastar on 4/3/08 2 Answers»


Chinese medicine, and acupressure alternative medicines practises do look at your tongue and how it looks to determine what is going on inside of you.
I had a doctor once when I was about 14 say; 'that I had a geographical tongue when I get really sick.' It helped him to diagnos many of the child hood sickness rather quickly, before he had acutual proof, or blood results. To this day, I can sometimes guess at what is wrong by the color or look of my tongue. So, there is proof out there, just do some research on it. Hope this helps.

Answered by: AngelNaphtalie on 4/30/08


Check out these sites to learn more about tongue color diagnosis:

Hope that helps!

Answered by: JessicaKFunk on 4/4/08
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