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Question:the invisible Multiple Sclerosis

Diagnosed almost 13 years ago, fortunate to walk and appear to be normal ... but effects are not visible...I fight fatigue, vision problems, depression (which has been present as long as I can remember) Therapy offered by neurologist/ psychologists, family doctor have not helped...I have choosen seclusion and isolation...wish share what may be helful...

Asked by Anonymous on 8/20/08 2 Answers»


Like VBianchini, I am not qualified to offer medical advice, but I do know that seclusion and isolation are not going to help feelings of fatigue and depression. If you can even find one friend to talk to it could really help. You say that therapy has not worked in the past...perhaps you can try some alternative therapies in addition to traditional work?

It must be very difficult to deal with a diagnosis like that. Have you seen this website? It looks like it might have some resources for people in your situation: Link

I truly hope you know that you are not alone! I'm sure that even reaching out here is a big step...keep reaching out.

Answered by: kristen on 8/21/08



I'm sorry to hear how you're feeling. I'm not qualified to offer medical advice, what I have heard from others and read though is that both meditation and yoga can be helpful in managing pain.

Also, if you are able to get around and can tolerate physical exercise I tend to think if you can do some strength training that the fatigue and depression can be lessened. You can't be depressed when you're exercising and the simple act of getting more oxygen pumping through your body has got to be helpful.

You might want to try joining a support group specific to your condition to see if others are dealing with the same issues and how they are coping. DailyStrength.org has a group related to MS here:

Answered by: VictoriaB on 8/20/08
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