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Question:Do you have a primary care physician?

I just had a conversation about this with some friends yesterday, because I love my PCP and many don't have a regular doctor to go to. I'm curious if having a primary medical doctor has gone the way of housecalls...something people used to do back in the day?

Asked by Lourdes542 on 9/12/08 3 Answers»


Can't say about other folks, but I love my primary care doctor -- she's great!!

Answered by: lilliede81 on 9/13/08


I do. I love my doctor. She is a young person but old fashioned, which is nice. She's not one to push pills or suggest surgery. She's big on wellness and preventive.

It makes me feel secure knowing I can call her and get in to see her when I need. She's very kind and caring and responsive.

It's worth finding someone you can trust and feel comfortable with. Don't neglect your health!

Answered by: VictoriaB on 9/12/08


No, and I haven't for many years. I tend to just go to specialists when there's a need (which is infrequent.) I think a PCP is not as necessary these days—most insurance carriers don't require referrals, so it sort of cuts out the middleman.

Answered by: kristen on 9/12/08
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