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Question:How do I get my husband to the doctor?

My husband is probably like a lot of men - he never wants to go to the doctor. Whether it's his annual physical or a dentist appointment, I have to make the appointment for him and then fight to get him there. We are expecting our first child soon, and I thought that would be more of an incentive for taking responsibility for his own health, but that just isn't the case. Any suggestions?

Asked by angie805 on 10/31/08 2 Answers»


Oh my, I'm glad to hear it's not just my husband!

I've been having this battle for a month now.
Here's an idea a friend gave me: Remind him that you, and now your unborn child, depend on him, need and want him healthy in your lives. Perhaps the "tough love" approach-- tell him that he is being selfish and irresponsible to not take care of himself. It's not so much using guilt, but reminding him how much you care and want him well.

Let me know if it works.

Answered by: Bastet on 11/3/08


Hmm I had to do this with a live-in boyfriend. It was like pulling teeth! I usually just forced him, got angry...guys don't want to deal with a cranky woman, so sometimes that's the only way to get things done. As a sick person, sometimes I would use that as leverage, "Okay, well then I'm not going to the doctor. Because it seems like it's not important, right?"

Can you try a good ole' reward system? Like, let's have you go to the doctor and then we'll all go out to dinner to celebrate the wonderful things ahead (baby!).

Answered by: aliciak on 11/1/08
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